Learning that “It’s Not Love”
This month's post is a guest blog and was written by Emily Schreck, an intern at Tikkun Olam Women's Foundation. Emily is a sophomore at the
University of Maryland and is studying Family Sciences and Women’s
Studies. This post originally appeared online
at http://towf.org/blog. The Tikkun Olam Women's Foundation provides a
generous grant to support the Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse's
teen dating abuse prevention initiative, AWARE. "It's Not Love" is the
cornerstone workshop of AWARE.
It was a typical Saturday night and I was
headed to my BBYO program. I pulled up in my car and quickly made my way
inside. I had entered our chapter’s annual Kallah, a weekend
full of Jewish programming to strengthen my chapter’s sisterhood and
leadership skills. As a past president of my chapter, I had read the
outline of the programs, but did not really know what to expect until I
was immersed in the programming.
When I walked in, just a bit late, my
friends were already intently listening to a representative from the
Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (JCADA). The woman introduced
herself and the program that we were participating in called “It’s Not
Love,” developed by JCADA. I knew the woman had caught their attention
because it was rare that the room would be that quiet. She explained
that “It’s Not Love” is based on the concept that if you educate teenage
girls about healthy relationships, then abusive relationships in the
future can be avoided. Through “It’s Not Love,” JCADA is working to
“raise a generation of strong, confident women who will not accept
violence in their lives nor in the Jewish community.” This generation
will also be able to recognize the warning signs with friends or family
and be able to share the resources they were introduced to during the
program. The specific program is geared towards the age group and “is a
choose-your-own-path workshop” in which participants assume the role of a
character who is either in an abusive relationship or a witness to one.
I am grateful that I have not personally,
nor have any of my close friends, faced dating violence. Although I have
been this lucky, many have not. Recently I read the story of
18-year-old Lauren Dunne Astley, whose life was taken abruptly by her
abusive ex-boyfriend. The story was hard for me to read. Among
indecisive teenagers, break-ups are relativity common. But, they should
end with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream and a dramatic reality TV
show, not the death of one of the parties involved. In her honor,
Lauren’s parents recently pleaded to the Massachusetts state legislators
that education is the key to the prevention of teen dating violence.
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, about 10% of teenagers experience some form of
violence their in dating relationships. That means in a high school
classroom of about thirty students, more than three of them have been
abused by a partner. As the CDC reports, dating violence can been seen
in many different forms including, but not limited to emotional,
physical and sexual abuse. This violence can lead to depression, drug
and alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts, poor performance in school, eating
disorders, future abuse and even death in extreme cases such as Lauren
Dunne Astley’s. It has been argued that solutions to this issue can be
found in educational programs such as “It’s Not Love.”
With grants from Tikkun Olam Women’s
Foundation, “It’s Not Love” has reached more than 2,100 different
students in the D.C. Metro Area. Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation’s
mission is to fund organizations who “create social change for women and
girls,” through grant-making. With the generous grants awarded to JCADA
from TOWF, they have been able to develop “It’s Not Love,” in order to
education young women about dating violence. Young women and girls, like
myself and my friends at BBYO, will learn what is acceptable and what
is not in a dating relationship. Women and girls will learn that teddy
bears should be given as happy day gifts and break-ups should include
Ice Cream induced tummy aches.
Allen, Evan. “For Grieving Parents, Education the Key.” BostonGlobe.com. N.p., 15 May 2013. Web. 13 June 2013.
“Aware: It’s Not Love.” Aware. Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, n.d. Web. 13 June 2013.
“When Teen Dating Turns Abusive and Violent.” US News. U.S.News & World Report, 10 May 2013. Web. 13 June 2013.